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Hello my friends!  It’s  been a while since I have written something for all of you. It is not that there is nothing to say, but sometimes I feel that when I write to you about things like this I am only sharing my sadness with you.  However,  when I do write, I ease my burden knowing others are helping me to carry the load. Today I feel very sad.  I just came from the hospital where I went to visit Andrés (Andresito) and his dad, don Pascual (he gave us the news yesterday, that Andrés has just  a few days to live). They are from Nenton, Huehuetenango (14 hrs trip, bybus each way). We met them 5 years ago when he first visited Kairos. He is the youngest of 5,  and he is twelve years old. I have talked to you about him before and we have asked for your prayers for him,  and we thank you for that.  Today I could see that his final day is near. Don Pascual does not want Andrés to know that this is happening ( but I sense that he does know). When I left the room, don Pascual walked me to the parking lot and he told me this  ” these are the final days for my son. Please pray for him and ask all your friends to pray for him, because today I can not pray. In this moment I don’t know how to talk to God. I know that he is with us; I don’t doubt it. He  has never left us but I can’t [pray] right now”. He then cried and cried with all his heart, and I did not have words for him, so I hugged him and we cried together. But I knew that that was not enough, to just stand there and watch him cry, knowing that he hasn’t been able to work because he has been  with his son and knowing the great costs he has incurred with his travels from home to the capital and back.  So we ask you to pray for for this family again. I have told you before that I don’t understand why little ones suffer. I just ask my Lord that He will give the strength they need in this hard time. Seeing don Pascual in this extremely difficult situation not doubting God’s blessings and love for him and his family, I am taught more and more, what it means to fully depend on and trust in God, .   For Kairos, Priscila

Categories: English, Prayers/Oraciones

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